Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fever Fight

Not sure anyone noticed, but I didn't blog yesterday.  The day started out pretty well.  The morning was nice, and then Ethan and I took a nap together. When we woke up, I realized that he was feeling quite warm. Sure enough, a thermometer confirmed a high fever. As afternoon turned into evening, he got worse and required all my attention. Our normally full-of-personality boy just lay there, like it was all he could do to look at us. Terral's dad came over to help give him a priesthood blessing. The blessing was very comforting, but we still worried about our miserable-looking son and what we could do to help him. We had given him some essential oils, but wondered if there was something else we should do. We debated taking him to the emergency room since everything else was closed. In the end, we decided to wait until morning.

In the morning, Terral called our doctor (a naturopath), and although he had a full schedule, they fit us in at 1:30. Ethan seemed marginally better, but still needed to be held all the time and wouldn't eat or drink anything besides breastmilk. I was so glad that we are still nursing and I could know he was getting some nutrition and antibodies to help his little body fight. I gave him some baths, lots of snuggles, and some more essential oils. I cancelled my violin lessons, and Terral went to work for a little while to fix the sewing machine. Ethan was so sad when he left! He wasn't gone long, though, because he had decided to take time off to help at home. What a blessing that he can do that, and do it so willingly!

A couple hours passed and Ethan seemed a little better. We went outside for a walk in the stroller, and he actually jabbered a bit because he enjoyed it, but you could tell he was still struggling.

When we went to our appointment, the doctor talked with us about what we had tried already and gave some suggestions for other things we could do at home. Then he recommended hydrotherapy, which we did, and also suggested an herbal throat spray. He was really nice and helpful. And even though they had to squeeze us in, he didn't charge us for the office visit. So nice!

When we got home, we tried the method he told us to help the fever do it's job, applied some more oils, and continued with the cuddles. This evening Ethan was doing so much better! It started with a little more animation, and by the end of the night he was jabbering, walking around (albeit a little wobbly still), and playing! He even ate and asked to go to the potty! What a relief to have our little man back! His fever has gone down, and he's sleeping now. We are so grateful for everything (and everyone!) that is helping him to get better.


  1. I noticed!

    I'm glad your little man is feeling better. It can feel a little helpless when someone so little is sick...

    1. Thanks for noticing, Megs! And yes, it does feel a little helpless. Thankfully, though, we have a lot of resources for help!

  2. Do you think germs can be transmitted via phone call? After talking to you yesterday, Eli was miserable all night with a crazy high fever. He was fine this morning, and then sick again this evening. Keep me posted on Ethan. Hopefully everyone is healthy again soon so we can get together.

    1. Darn it! I'm sorry he's not been feeling well. Ethan just continues to get better, which is really awesome. I hope Eli gets better quick too!


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