Thursday, July 19, 2012

Other Wedding Events

Well, I wish I could share pictures of the wedding with you, but I can't. While we were in SLC, our diaper bag, which contained my camera, was stolen.

As I said yesterday, the wedding was wonderful. We had a very good time. But getting ready for the trip and on the trip itself we had several stressful things happen, which were amplified by lack of sleep.

After the luncheon, we met up with my sisters and their families at Wheeler Farm. Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way there, so we just hung out in the car for the first while and sort of napped with him, but then we went and looked at all the animals. We had a lot of fun. He loved getting up on one of the tractors and we got some really cute pictures. There was also a fun two level treehouse that the kids liked playing in. After that, we laid out on some blankets that my sister Sarah brought so we could visit and snack, and then we played a game of 9 Lives at my sister Diane's suggestion. I had completely forgotten about that game. It's been too longs since I've played that sort of run around game. It was really fun!

But after all that goodness, Terral and I took off to check out the Habitat for Humanity store to see if we could find a kitchen sink or faucet. Terral had seen it before and thought he knew where it was, and we hadn't had time to really map it out, so of course we ended up lost. By the time we found it, there was not even 10 minutes left until closing. Ethan sorely needed a diaper change, so Terral offered to take care of him while I went inside. We didn't find what we were looking for, so we left for the reception.

At the reception, Ethan had a major blowout. Very unusual with our cloth diapers, but he had been eating a lot of blueberries. Well, we went to get the diaper bag. . . and we couldn't find it anywhere. We  realized the last we'd seen it was at the ReStore and thought that in his hurry, Terral must have left it on the car and someone had taken it. But then we noticed that he had laid out Ethan's wet shorts in the car to dry out, and it would be kind of strange for him to remember to do that but leave the bag out, so we think someone may have broken into the car through the windows we left cracked. There were a number of useful things that I will miss, but the biggest losses are of course the camera (all those pictures!) and about six cloth diapers, which are not cheap. I hope the thief enjoyed the dirty one.

As you can imagine, we were quite upset when we realized all this. But after a little time and perspective, we are grateful it wasn't any worse. For example, I managed to unload about 250 pictures from the camera just before we left. At least I didn't lose all of our July pictures. And at least lots of other people were taking pictures at the wedding. Thank goodness I hadn't left my wallet in the diaper bag! And so on.

We really have so many blessings, and we are very grateful for them. We have a wonderful family, a good business, and a new home. God is good.

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