Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Five Things

1) The past couple of days, Ethan suddenly understands that we fold our arms at prayer time. He even bows his head and closes his eyes sometimes. It's super cute and makes my mama heart swell!

2) I'm really not a fan of the fact that Ethan now throws tantrums. Today was the biggest one yet and I was quite at a loss. I called my mom for advice, and she suggested taking him on a walk. It didn't seem to be doing any good until I was finally able to calm him down by giving him rocks to throw in the gutter. Thank goodness for rocks and water. And moms.

3) Some big changes are on the horizon for Mr. Ethan, but the timing is a bit complicated with all the upheaval we have around here, mostly to do with the house we're hoping to buy. Wish us luck in figuring it all out!

4) Update on Ethan's vocabulary: he says "win-o" for window, wind, and sometimes mirror; he surprised us with "keys"; says "eyes", "nose", and rarely "ear";  "glasses", but he hasn't said that in a while; this morning he got very close to saying "absolutely" in imitation of Terral. . .hmmm it's hard to think of them all. I guess that will do for now.

5) The other day we were at a friend's house, and it was so fun to see Ethan and my friend's daughter interact. She accosted him with some very enthusiastic hugs, and he had her laughing so hard by doing his goofy head roll. We don't have any idea at all where he gets his goof. None.

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