Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good News Tuesday

Yesterday was a really good day.  Completely different from Monday (the day before) when I was feeling tired, overwhelmed, discouraged, pressured, and a little scared.  Part of the reason I was feeling that way was that the grant I had been awarded was taken away because they decided I wasn't eligible after all.

Tuesday morning started with a meeting with my mentor teacher.  The meeting went really well, contrary to my nervous expectations, and I felt like it was very productive.  Plus, I got two pieces of good news.  1)  I don't have to wear only collared shirts like the email said.  This is excellent news for one who will necessarily be wearing maternity clothes.  2) She's willing to work around my being gone on a family vacation in Oregon even though it's the week before the school gets out on break and we will have a concert sometime close to that.

After my meeting, I came home and we had lunch before we headed to St. George to talk to a midwife.  We had called every single number we could get our hands on, and she was the only one to call us back to make and appointment. (Well, besides the one who called to tell us she isn't practicing anymore.)   We had a really good meeting with Janae.  We were both really comfortable with her, she answered all of our questions and then some, and she was just real.  She seemed very knowledgeable and she gave us reasons for why she does the things she does.  She also let us know different options we have, and she encouraged us to talk to several different midwives before we decide who we'll go with.  She thinks new parents should make educated decisions, so she gave us a list of books and websites we can refer to.  I could go on and on about all the reasons we liked her (Terral and I talked for quite a long time about it), but one of the biggest things is just how we felt when we were there.

After the meeting, we got some more lunch (to stave off my queasiness) and sat down to eat it.  Terral got a call from another midwife, and we were able to meet with her shortly after.  It was a completely different experience.  She was nice enough, but the minute we walked in the door, it felt like walking into a wall.  We immediately knew that she wasn't the right midwife for us.  We stayed for a while and asked questions so as not to be rude, but we left as soon as we felt it was acceptable.

We have one more meeting with a midwife, but we're pretty positive that we've already found the one for us.  We have felt so guided in this decision, and it's been a huge blessing.

We rounded off our good day with a visit to the temple, and then a visit to Heather and Chris.  Who could ask for more?

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