Friday, July 24, 2009


Today I made a sandwich using our first green pepper and tomato from our garden. So delicious!


  1. I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I could find your blog! Hope you guy are doing well - so great to hear from you!

  2. that is an awesome green pepper....I may need gardening tips since I have 0 peppers and only a few very small green tomatoes!

  3. Hi Tammy!
    Our tomatoes this year are small too, and we've only had a few ripen. Yours will come. :) We're pretty pleased with our peppers this year--they are turning out way better than last year's. We've discovered they need quite a bit of water. Good luck with your garden!

  4. we would love to get together for dinner sometime! email me...tcole726 at msn dot com and we can figure out a good time. :)

  5. Dear Mary, I enjoy your blog, your writing, and the pictures.. it really does make me feel more connected to your life. Both Dad and I were impressed with terral's unicycle skills. Love Mom

  6. great veggies! that is so great you get a garden and fresh food to eat.


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