Thursday, September 20, 2012

Temporary Railing Fix

I've been meaning to show you the temporary fix we did for our stair railing, but I didn't take a picture for a long time. For one thing, the camera battery charger was missing and I didn't think the phone would do it justice. For another, I seemed to always think about it at night. And finally, I wanted it to be a good picture so you could really tell how much better our little fix made things. Well, I gave up on that last one and just snapped a really quick picture from the couch while it was light outside.

As you can see, we bought some rope and Terral tied some fancy knots and nailed it into the posts to make it a little more safe for kids to use. We also later installed a similar looking railing up top.

It doesn't look as good now as it did at first though. He had the ropes really taught, but I've been using them as clotheslines when I couldn't dry outside, and the moisture stretched the rope so it's a little saggy now. But we haven't bothered fixing it because it's all getting replaced anyway.

When we first put it up, it looked so good that we were half tempted to keep things the way they were, but of course we wanted something even more safe in the long run. So it's a little disappointing to show you the above mediocre picture, but I wanted to share all the same.

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