Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Reason Why

I've decided to enter the world of blogging, even though I don't particularly like that word and Terral hates it.

This is my effort to become closer to my family, especially those of the extended sort. :) I love catching up on what my relatives and sisters are doing, and I hope that this will give them a chance to get to know me better.

I'm also doing this as a sort of record of my life, since I'm terrible at keeping a journal. My previous attempts in that arena have been sporadic at best.

So here's to family, friends, and posterity.

(And to sharing life experiences by electronic means.)


  1. Love the name and love the picture! Also, all very good reasons to join the blogging world. Glad you are here!...looking forward to some new reading!

  2. Thanks Nae! first comment.

  3. Here is your second comment! I'm glad you are blogging!! hope to see more of your life!


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