Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I love that word.  I think it sums up the miracle wonderfully.

For at least a week, I've been thinking I felt the baby move.  I really wasn't sure, though.  Was I looking for something that wasn't quite there?

On Sunday, we went to my nephew's baby blessing.  At the gathering afterward, I was holding little Lucas and sitting next to Terral while we waited to get our picture taken.  Suddenly I felt those little taps from the inside!  I was pretty sure this time, but a part of me still held back just in case. 

The next evening there was no doubt.  Our baby was saying hi!  And even though everything I've read says the husband  usually can't feel it for a few more weeks, Terral was able to be a part of this family communication.  He was so excited!  We sat in bed just watching my belly, and we saw it move!

I think we will have an active one on our hands.  Just like daddy.


  1. isn't it a.maz.ing?! and reassuring! i will miss that when this little one is born. congrats on the first movements of quickening!

  2. Yeah, that's exciting! I didn't think to ask you about that last time I saw you.

  3. Oh - I loved reading this! It almost makes me miss being pregnant! Congrats! You two will be such great parents and can totally handle a really active one :)


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