Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Out of the Basement

So, I know I said I'd give more details on our adventure yesterday, but I just want to go to bed. Ethan's still sick, and I think I'm getting it now.

Today was rather monumental. Unshoes now has an official workshop! Terral signed a six-month contract this morning, and we spent the day moving stuff and getting everything all set up. We've talked about renting a place for quite a while, but we couldn't afford it, and it just seemed like it would pose too many obstacles. Well, last week Terral just "happened" to call on a place just after one of their more affordable units became available. They had called everyone on the waiting list, but couldn't get a hold of anyone, so Terral took a look at it. When he came home and told me about it, we just felt like the timing was right. The finances were in place, and orders are picking up, so we really need to be more efficient with production. Going around a house and up and down stairs between production steps is not really a recipe for efficiency.

We will have to get used to Terral not working at home anymore. I told Terral, it will almost feel like he has a regular job now. ;) He replied that he doesn't think he'll ever have a regular job, and I said I'm fine with that.

Anywho, I think Terral's planning on doing a post about the move, so you can see some pictures then. In the meantime, I'm gonna get my hiney to bed. . . if Ethan can stay asleep, poor guy.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the move! on to bigger and better things for unshoes!


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