Thursday, January 12, 2012


I swear Ethan is getting cuter every day.  I didn't think it was possible, but he's proving me wrong.  He's got four teeth now, working on six, and the sweetest grin ever.  I've been watching another little boy in the mornings this week, and when Ethan sees him his face lights up and he grins and jabbers and points.  He loves people and always has.

Yesterday, he and I had an impromptu dance session in our living room.  I was jumpin' and twirlin' and groovin' like I do, and he was following me around and laughing.  He's got the walking thing down pat, but jumping is a ways off yet.  Even so, pretty soon I could tell that he was trying to imitate me and he would kind of move from side to side and walk in tight circles like he was trying to twirl.  We danced again tonight (he loves the music from Monk), but this time Terral got to join in. I couldn't believe how close Ethan was to actually twirling.  Didn't he just start trying this yesterday? And then he did something that blew me away. I was bobbing to the music and snapping with both hands.  Ethan was bouncing to the music, paused for a second while looking at me, and then he started trying to snap with both his hands.  Of course he didn't make any sound, but his little thumb was moving across his fingers like no other.  I know, you think I'm silly to get so worked up about it, but it was AMAZING I tell you!  And so stinkin' cute.

I just wanted to record that moment because I have been having so much fun with my little family lately.  My heart is just bursting with love and gratitude.  There's always much that can be improved in life, but really, what can you complain about when you have the most important things? Life is wonderful when you see the good.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Such a good reminder to look for the bright side. :)


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