Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Toddler Mix-up

So as we were leaving our friends' house last night, they told their two-year old daughter to "Say bye bye Foxies!" Obediently, she repeated, "Bye bye Fawkies!"


  1. We have been working on it. She came running up the stairs the other days and randomly said "Fawkies! Fawkies!" Maybe she's workin on it in her head too.. hehe.

    But, when we were working on it, I could get her to say "Fox" and "ies"...but when I tell her to put it together she said "Fawkies". I think somewhere in her brain that's trying to figure out the English language she knows that there only needs to be one plural. Because "Fox" and "ies" sounds like 2 plurals.. (She doesn't know its an X!) Get it?

  2. hi mary! It has been fun to find you through Kristens blog! How are you? I think about you guys as I get to work with Doug everyday. Hey, I love your blog! You guys are so much fun!


Your thoughts are welcome here. :)